Patient Name: | NASREENBEGUM | Ref. Doctor: | Dr.Abhinav | Sample Billing Time: | 5/19/2022 10:46:00 AM | Patient Id: | 0001377422 | Lab Id: | 05221324035 | OP Id: | HY-MBV-0522-00059 | Sample Collection Date & Time: | 19/05/2022 10:53 AM | Age/Gender: | 28 Years/Female | Reporting Date & time: | 20/05/2022 11:11 AM |
| Investigation | Result | Biological Reference Interval |
| Specimen:Flouride Plasma | Fasting Blood Glucose | 82 mg/dL | 74-106 mg/dL | Interpretation | : Glucose determination is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes mellitus. Elevated levels are found in pancreatitis, pituitary and thyroid dysfunction, renal failure and liver diseases. Low glucose levels are found in insulinoma, hypopituitarism, neoplasms, insulin induced hypoglycemia |
| *** END OF REPORT *** | Please correlate clinically | | Test Performed By : Cldoh | Consultant Biochemist | |
Patient Name: | NASREENBEGUM | Ref. Doctor: | Dr.Abhinav | Sample Billing Time: | 5/19/2022 10:46:00 AM | Patient Id: | 0001377422 | Lab Id: | 05221324035 | OP Id: | HY-MBV-0522-00059 | Sample Collection Date & Time: | 19/05/2022 10:53 AM | Age/Gender: | 28 Years/Female | Reporting Date & time: | 19/05/2022 11:53 AM |
| Investigation | Result | Normal Reference Range |
| Specimen:Blood (K2EDTA) | Total Leukocyte Count | 7.26 X 10³/uL | 4.0-10.0 X 10³/uL | Total Red Blood Cell Count | 3.72 X10¹²/L | 3.8 - 4.8 X 10¹²/L | Hb | 10.5 g/dL | 12.0 - 15.0 g/dL | HCT | 33.2 % | 36 - 46 % | Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) | 89.2 fl | 83 - 101 fl | Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) | 28.2 pg | 27 - 32 pg | MCHC | 31.6 g/dl | 31.5 - 34.5 g/dl | Platelet Count | 184 X 10³/uL | 150 - 410 X 10³/uL | DIFFERENTIAL LEUKOCYTE COUNT | Neutrophils | 76.8 % | 2.0-7.5 X 10³/uL (40 - 80%) | Lymphocytes | 15.0 % | 1.0-4.0 X 10³/uL (20 - 40%) | Monocytes | 6.1 % | 0.2-1.0 X 10³/uL(2 - 10%) | Eosinophils | 1.5 % | 0.02-0.5 X 10³/uL (1-6%) | Basophils | 0.6 % | 0.02 - 0.1 X 10³/uL (1-2%) | Method | Flowcytometry | PERIPHERAL SMEAR | RBC | Normocytic Normochromic | | WBC | Within Normal Limits | | Platelets | Adequate | | Method | Microscopy | Notes | | *** END OF REPORT *** | | | Test Performed By : Clpath | Consultant Pathologist | |
Patient Name: | NASREENBEGUM | Ref. Doctor: | Dr.Abhinav | Sample Billing Time: | 5/19/2022 10:46:00 AM | Patient Id: | 0001377422 | Lab Id: | 05221324035 | OP Id: | HY-MBV-0522-00059 | Sample Collection Date & Time: | 19/05/2022 10:53 AM | Age/Gender: | 28 Years/Female | Reporting Date & time: | 21/05/2022 07:32 AM |
| Investigation | Result | Biological Reference Interval |
| Specimen:Serum | T3 - Total | 1.03 ng/mL | 0.60-1.81 ng/mL | T4 -Total | 10.3 µg/dL | 4.5-10.9 µg/dL | Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) | 1.14 µIU/mL | 0.35 – 5.5 µIU/mL Pregnancy: 1st trimester: 0.32 - 4.5 µIU/mL 2nd trimester: 0.52 - 4.6 µIU/mL 3rd trimester: 0.82 - 5.2 µIU/mL | Interpretation | : TSH alone can only be used to assess thyroid status when the pituitary-thyroid axis is stable. Non-thyroidal illness (NTI), pituitary disease and various drugs can all affect the axis and cause discrepancies between TSH levels, thyroid hormone levels and the clinical state. |
| *** END OF REPORT *** | Please correlate clinically | | Test Performed By : cljyothi | Consultant Biochemist | |
Patient Name: | NASREENBEGUM | Ref. Doctor: | Dr.Abhinav | Sample Billing Time: | 5/19/2022 10:46:00 AM | Patient Id: | 0001377422 | Lab Id: | 05221324035 | OP Id: | HY-MBV-0522-00059 | Sample Collection Date & Time: | 19/05/2022 10:53 AM | Age/Gender: | 28 Years/Female | Reporting Date & time: | 20/05/2022 12:05 PM |
| Investigation | Result | Biological Reference Interval |
| Specimen:Serum | S. Bilirubin T | 0.38 mg/dL | 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dL | S.Total Protein | 6.02 gm/dL | 6.6 - 8.3 gm/dL | S.Albumin | 3.28 gm/dL | 3.5 - 5.2 gm/dL | Globulin | 2.74 gm/dL | 2.6-3.9 gm/dL | A/G Ratio | 1.2 | 1.0 - 1.7 | SGOT/AST | 19 U/L | < 35 U/L | SGPT /ALT | 7 U/L | < 35 U/L | S.Alkaline Phosphatase | 68 U/L | 30 - 120 U/L | Interpretation | : Liver function tests (LFTs or LFs) are groups of blood tests that give information about the state of a patient's liver. Liver transaminases (AST or SGOT and ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function. Some tests are associated with functionality (e.g., albumin), some with cellular integrity (e.g., transaminase), and some with conditions linked to the biliary tract (gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase). GGT plays a role in the detection of alcoholism, alcoholic liver damage and in monitoring alcohol abstinence. |
| *** END OF REPORT *** | Please correlate clinically | | Test Performed By : cljyothi | Consultant Biochemist | |